Monday, March 1, 2021

God's Dice; Gambler's Fallacy


This post is about a magic item I pretty much stole whole cloth from Hunter x Hunter. An item called the Risky Dice

So here's my gamified version for your elf games that I call...

God's Dice; Gambler's Fallacy

A small black d20 made from the remains of meteorite that destroyed a lucky village. The village was recently blessed with a very bountiful (and profitable) harvest. 19 sides of the dice have the rune for good luck with the remaining having a skull, which represents bad luck.

Before you would take an in-game action that requires a dice roll you may instead roll God's Dice [The Referee's favorite die]. If the Good Luck rune is rolled [2-20] the action auto succeeds! If the skull is rolled [1] the action auto fails and the worst possible situation occurs with a high chance of death.

This sounds busted to me but that also means it should be damn fun. 

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