Sunday, March 21, 2021

10 Hex Locations I

A lot of my IRL gaming group is starting to get vaccinated which means I really need to start prepping a sandbox to run OSE in. The following are some hexes I wrote up that I want to throw onto a campaign map. 1st in a series probably?

[I put the influences or where I straight up stole the idea from in brackets.]

  1. Village of the Blessed: Village was struck with famine and starving until a prophet arrived with an endless supply of food, himself. The prophet is able to instantly regrow flesh daily. Accompanied by the “Sacred Butcher”. [Idea Stolen from Fire Punch]

  2. Ancient Forgotten Town: Empty town haunted by a female ghost who dances herself to death every night from the tunes of a manic flute playing demon. Ghost will invite the party to uncle’s house to join in the merrymaking. Looks like a lively town at night (but strangely empty) but just ruins and foundations during the day. [Idea Stolen from Tales of the Dying Earth]

  3. Dryad w/ Parasites: A weakened dryad asks for assistance to slay parasitic wasps that have infected this forest’s mother tree. Will offer a fruit from the Hidden Tree of Might, Increase STR to next highest + Modifier, or to a +1 Modifier. [Idea Stolen from Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter]

  4. Red Lotus Field: A flooded plain tended to by the Carmine Monks who do not tolerate lotus thieves. The Lotus can be made into a very addictive drug that has proliferated in the closest city-state. At the center of the field is The Abbey of St. Padua.

  5. Village of the Dog: Village that breeds war hounds and worships the Dog God. Will sell War Hounds (Base) for 150gp. 

  6. Castle Al Pastor: Warlord Pastor is a name level Fighter who “retired” and built this castle. Has since been invaded by a trio of Devilswine who keep Pastor as the castle’s butler under a strong charm. Pastor will pay 5000gp and a pick of magic item from his treasury if the castle is reclaimed from the Devil Swine.

  7. Shrine to Fell God: An ancient shrine carved into a large boulder dedicated to a forgotten god. 2-in-6 chance of 2d6+2 pilgrims worshiping. 

  8. Necromancer’s Abode: A Necromancer’s keep, inside the walls is a vast beautiful garden tended to by undead. The Necromancer will pay well for Red Lotus stolen from the Carmine Monks.

  9. Lost Amphitheater: Lair of the Undead Fight King, challenges those worthy to various fighting competitions. Winners gain the Fight King’s Favor (permanent +1 to attack and damage rolls). [Stolen from Adventure Time]

  10. Cave of Shadows: Lair of 2d8+1 shadows. The shadows dance around a dead cleric’s skull that had continual light cast on it. The light is a dull eerie red.


  1. What can you tell about the region where this takes place?

    1. Nothing concrete yet but it's going to be heavily based on OD&D's "implied setting" here:

  2. A shifting city - in the sand, or a marsh maybe - that changes over time which places are accessible, unveiling ancient evils (and their treasure!) while burying/drowning present ones.

    A tower so infused by the magic therein that each floor has taken on an ecosystem of its own, even now, long after the owner has ascended.

    A lake of thick, viscous material: I'm the middle of which is the island graveyard of an alien people - their settlement having been swallowed by the murk.

    1. *in the middle. Autocorrect!

    2. Awesome, you should make a blog post about hex locations too!

  3. Castle Al Pastor is definitely my favorite, love them all though!
